Art is the time factory, Not required progress


When we were child, the central desert of Iran was shown to us and it was said: you know, here had been ocean and this desert field was once under water, thousands of years ago. Snice then for a long time we would stared at the sand dunes and the thorny bushes, milk vetch and the hillside of the mountains, and imagined fish and whales swimming in the sky above them. Even now, over the years, the greatness of that astonishment has not diminished, like the wonder of watching the sky and imagining distances and sizes.

Now, this is a short time that we are in the Netherlands. One of the first propositions that raised to us and in the first days in the definition of this land was told to us was that, you Know the Netherlands is at an altitude below sea level and a once was not far has been underwater and even a parts of it are now under It is water, and by controlling and managing the water of roads and canals, the ground has been adapted for habitation. So afterwards we continued same childhood imagination here, though now we stare at the ground and imagine ourselves in the seabed, while whales swimming yet in the sky above us. A common destiny surrounds us all, perhaps the essence of what is formed in us from this short story. For us, this narrative is the manifestation of the flight of the angel of history above us, which we have chosen here as a icon of our artistic activity, she is constantly flapping. AZADE BALOOCHI AND PEYMAN GERAMIAZADE BALOOCHI & PEYMAN GERAMI